Community Center
The Kissinger Community Center is the perfect place to host your event! Whether it be a birthday party, reception or holiday party, the Kissinger Community Center offers a great option for all.
All rentals require a security deposit to reserve your event (due at time of application). The deposit is fully refudable upon post facility inspection.
Ballroom Events and Gym Events must be paid in full within seven days of the event.
**Please note the Kissinger Center is not available for reservation on all major Holidays
Please contact City Hall for to book your reservation today!
- $300 | $100 Deposit
- 350 Capacity
- $100 | $100 Deposit
- 150 Capacity
- 8am-8pm
Gym - Hourly Rates (Sporting events only)
- 2 hour minimun
- $40 first 2 hours | $20 Each additional hour
- $50 Deposit
Kitchen (Add-on only)
- $30
Contact Info
City Hall
608 Main Street
City Hall
608 Main St
Merrill, IA 51038